If You Have Diabetes, Keep An Eye On Your Vision
Diabetes is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases today.
Diabetes is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases today.
It’s that time of year again! Have you used all of your remaining vision insurance benefits?
'Tis the season for everything pumpkin! As the poster child of fall, pumpkin doesn’t just star in our autumnal decorations, it shows up on our menus too.
While wearing glasses instead of contacts may shave a few minutes off your morning routine, it’s important to remember they're not completely maintenance-free.
Can you guess where nearly half of all eye injuries occur?
While some people are die-hard 3D moviegoers, others struggle to see the characters come to life and leap off the screen.
Is your vision a priority when you’re playing sports?
Most everyone has some degree of astigmatism. And yet many people are confused as to what astigmatism actually is.
Many of us hit significant milestones at different ages as we are growing up, but when it comes to contact lenses, how old is “old enough?”
We’ve all felt it during a long day at our desk job or after a lengthy session of scrolling through social media on our smartphones–digital eye strain.